czwartek, 27 lutego 2020

Knowledge Buffet: A Summary of the American Argument for Gun Control...

Knowledge Buffet: A Summary of the American Argument for Gun Control...: Roughly paraphrased: "Ghetto blacks are killing each other with pistols, so we need to take rifles away from country whites, because an...

Well, one does not discuss with stupid and dishonest.

I long time ago stopped to listen to the Left.

They have no Logos.

środa, 7 listopada 2018

The owners of this world

The text below was orginally in Polish, published at
Translated (via google translator mostly) to English by me
I do not agree with a few aspect of bellow message – IMHO the Owners know we (WE as the human race “WE”) are running out of time. That’s why they started to panic.

The Owners of this world cz. 1

Both of my interlocutors decided to maintain full anonymity. Our talks took place in a separate section of a public café in Stockholm at the turn of October and November 2017. In a series of these entries, I included all the most interesting passages from three conversations, lasting a total of seven hours. Personally, I have translated from Swedish and partly from English.

In the near future I do not plan to share the recordings that I copied and distributed to people unfamiliar with their full content, but aware of what our conversations were about.

In the first part of the talks, the theme of the talks is the conflict in Syria and the situation in the Middle East, as well as the upcoming conflicts in other parts of the world.

Robert Grünholz
Part 1
Me: Thank you both for coming. As we have already determined, I will record all our conversations. If you want me to remove any fragment or resign from publishing even one sentence, you will have time to think about it and let me know about it.

M: Agreed.

T: It's alright.

Me: Let's start with you, M. Just tell me what you're doing right now.

M: I worked as an attorney for almost twenty years. Now I am lecturing law at a renowned university and I am a consultant for a high ranking United Nations official.

Me: For most of this time, did you deal with human rights?

M: Yes, and for several years also environmental protection.

Me: At that time, you've probably met many lawyers, politicians, businessmen ...

M: I know most people who have any meaning.

Me: Now I would like to ask you for the same, T. Where do you come from and what do you do?

T: I was born in Syria. I worked there as a French language teacher until I was forced to leave my country.

Me: You have certainly come a long way before you came to Sweden.

T: Fortunately, shorter than many of my friends. I just had to endure a few weeks in a Turkish camp ...

Me: What do you do in Sweden?

T: I work as a translator, but I hope to return to teaching in the future.

Me: OK. As I have warned you before, our talks will focus on the general situation in the world, with particular emphasis on the Middle East. I'm guessing, however, that we will address many other issues on the occasion; perhaps even more important than the ongoing conflict in Syria. You're smiling, T.

T: This is not a regional conflict there. The case does not concern the [Syrian] president, his government, or even US troops or Russian ports. Syria is ... Well, maybe right after Ukraine, one of the first conflicts of this kind that we will deal with throughout the entire 21st century.

Me: So what exactly is this conflict? Are you talking about a hybrid war? In the case of Syria ...

T: No, I'm not talking about it at all. Syria is the key to understanding the goals, plans and actions of people who are your owners.

Me: My owners?

T: Yes, yours. And mine too.

M: And mine (laughs).

T: They are the owners of us all. However, it is difficult to say where this sudden lack of patience comes from. We've already talked to M. about this before you came and we agreed that their current behavior is not at all similar to what they did in the 19th and 20th centuries. Something has changed. Understand Syria and you will also understand what this change is all about.

Me: I hope to fully understand it with your help. I think I understand who you mean about our owners, but I would ask you to develop this topic a bit. Are you saying that their mode of action has changed?

T: No, no. The way it works is still the same. The only thing that changed was that they suddenly began to hurry up somewhere. This haste caused catastrophic errors in Syria, Ukraine, Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan ...

Me: Slowly, slowly. Explain.

T: Let's go back a bit in time. Remember the negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles and its geopolitical consequences.

Me: OK…

T: How much time did it take to prepare the world for a new war?

Me: Are you talking about the period between 1920 and 1939?

T: That's right! Silence before the storm. But if you listened carefully, you could hear a lot. 19 years is enough time to turn every country into a great war machine, but something like that never happens under the watchful eye of the owners of this world. I am not saying that it was only their project. It was decided by idleness and indifference. Starting out another world conflict was in the interest of so many people that they wanted to make their own brick for this great work. However, it took 19 years to find the right people to prepare a few countries to secure those who could not be harmed ... Their actions can be traced quite easily from the outbreak of the French Revolution to this day. The difference I am talking about is that they were cautious then and did not get tangled up in person.

Me: Today is different?

M: The ground began to escape from under their feet.

T: Exactly. Nothing has ever connected them together, except for a complete lack of empathy and enormous greed. They did not go in each other ways as long as there were gray spots on the map that demanded revolution, assassination and colonization. However, the world has decreased, their possibilities have increased and suddenly it turned out that to get something out of someone, you have to deal with the whole system, not only with some country, government or tribal group.

Me: They jumped into their throats?

T: That is too much said. Money has certainly divided them, but probably also politics ...

M: Maybe even ideology. Until now, she was indifferent to them, because the goals were far ahead of them and striving for them required member side to do the same. However, when they reached the moment of absolute domination, they learned that their goals from the very beginning were not at all convergent. Besides, everyone wants to be on top, right? They resemble the heads of the Italian mafia at one big table. As long as everything was evenly divided, there was peace. Now, however, everyone is entering someone's area, everyone wants to be the most important and it is not known if all this meeting will not end with one big shooting.

Me: Or police action.

M: There is no police. There is only mafia.

Me: Let's go back to the present day and Syria. Then you conclude that they have become impatient?

T: Look at the Islamic State. After all, almost no one believes in the official media version! I'm not just talking about people from the Middle East, because we have been better acquainted with the issues of the "great world" plans for a long time. Look yourself at Europeans! Who will believe that the rebels have come in thousands of white Toyotas are in Syria from nowhere? Who will believe you that the terrorists themselves created and financed well-functioning quasi-state structures in the occupied territories? That they also armed and trained themselves?

M: You will not receive any clear answer to these questions. Are Americans guilty? It's a bit too simple. You had various organizations in place, various militias, various parties. As usual, they [Americans] had their fingers in it. They once supported others, and others, but they did not conjure them all out of the air. From Internet users you will learn that it is rich Muslim countries, but the media will never say about Qatari and Saudi money, because people will quickly associate that they are our allies and we arm them ourselves. Besides that we buy oil from them, indirectly financing all this mess. Perhaps Russia, then? Hardly anyone will believe that Putin finances terrorists in Syria, because everyone knows that this plague is rapidly going to the Caucasus. What about the Russians after the terrorists in the Caucasus? After all, no one asks for hemorrhoids.

Me: (Laughter). Okay, so who?

M: You expect a simple answer to a complicated question. What who? Are you asking about who wants to depopulate the Middle East? Are you asking about those who financed Islamic State?

T: Ask for China.

Me: How do you know that I had such an intention?

T: In Syria, the interests of not a few but a dozen different countries, influence groups, lobbies and organizations are currently clashing. They are mutually exclusive. Some were agreed on a few basic issues, for example, wanting to remove Assad from power or banish Christians from the Middle East, but now there is no agreement between them. We are coming back to their lack of patience! Do you recall this unsuccessful military putsch in Turkey?

Me: I remember. Erdogan usually speaks out loudly what he thinks, but in this case he has kept some caution. He only suggested to the world that if he shot down a Russian plane a moment earlier, and then he was huddled with Putin, the tip came from there.

T: Tip? Maybe so. But it certainly did not come with a plan to make that coup. Just think about it! The Turks, in fact, only fought against Assad and the Kurds, and who now supports independent Kurdistan?

M: Israel.

T: Even the Americans have cooled down a bit. Perhaps they saw that the business is not profitable for them, because supporting the Kurds ended with the fact that the second NATO army has been offended by the Alliance a bit. And this puts the entire Middle East under a new question mark, because you can expect everything from the Turks. They are ready to change the front in any, even the last moment. They even have the means to get some nuclear weapons the day before the outbreak of the war. That's enough for them [Turks].

Me: That is an unsuccessful coup ...

T: FAILED! You answer yourself (laughs). They did not succeed! Understand? After all, they just went full to the hilt on Ukraine! They have recently gone well in Georgia, Egypt, maybe a little less in Libya ... They have experience from the half of the world: from South America, through Africa, to the Far East. And here is such a dope? Crash and burn. Just like in Ukraine, but maybe M. will tell you something more.

M: The plan was really great. Ukrainians would not even know at what point someone sold them to all major corporations. They have long been living under the dictates of oligarchs, mafias and nationalists who can not be sent even to fight separatists in the Donbass, because they are ready to sell half the equipment on the black market and the other half barter for vodka. Nobody would even squeek when selling all arable land in the country. Not literally, of course. It's enough to make every farmer dependent on Monsanto's patents, let the corporation take control of the former granary of the continent. Crude oil and gas would go to the oil corporations well known to us all, something would still be stolen for the remnants of industry, and in the Crimea a beautiful American military base would be created. Probably not smaller than in Kosovo.

Me: Russia?

M: Russia had to be taken care of before. If the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh could be triggered and the Russians were involved in helping Armenia, they could be effectively distracted there thus entangling of Ukraine into the largest corporation transaction in history. Or maybe it was hoped that it [Russia] would deal with something else and something did not work out? Anyway, the Russians knew what was happening and reacted in time.

Me: Crimea is de facto Russian, but de jure ...

T: It does not matter. Have they maintained their position in the Black Sea? They kept. They control what they wanted? They control. Do not have unwanted guests under their noses? Not so much as it could have been. At the time of taking over Crimea, they [Russians] did not even think about Crimea. They only thought about Syria. We could only guess that they are securing something much more important. If they lost Crimea, today Syria would look completely different. Who knows if Assad would not share the fate of Hussajn and Gaddafi? I would not be surprised if even China spilled on it [the Crimea hostile takover].

M: That's right. The southern thread of the New Silk Road shows us a new, important distribution of forces. Do you think that Syria, Iraq and Iran are fighting in this conflict under one banner for absolutely no reason? Spit on each other in pretense, while everyone wants the Chinese to enter and to take the Americans place there in the future. It was necessary to chase a little bit of an American and Saudi cat, and Russia only helped in this work.

Me: It sounds as if you were suggesting that they are standing behind everything from the very beginning ...

T: China.

M: Yes, China. Maybe not from the beginning and maybe not completely, but the only important card on this table is now the Chinese card.

Me: To sum it up: they hurried up with a military coup in Turkey ...

T: Kurdistan should have been let go and a significant ally should has been chosen. Now Turkey remains one big mystery, to the joy of Russia and China.

Me: They rushed in Syria ...

T: Propaganda did not work. Almost no one in the West no longer believes in the official version of the democratic opposition, the Assad regime and the terrorists who jumped out like a hat rabbit and created a brand new state under the noses of the most powerful military alliance in human history.

Me: Have they rushed in Egypt and in Libya?

T: Yes. Although these battles have not been lost yet.

M: It's good that they let go of Nagorno-Karabakh and Iran. This is not yet time for such a confrontation. They could only harm themselves more.

Me: But I do not really understand or suggest that China in this puzzle is some kind of oppositionist to the global system?

M: No, it's no opposition. Rather one of many contenders. We have an interregnum and a dozen brats with rights to the throne. Imagine the speed at which they now buy knives and prepare poisons for their siblings.

Me: I wanted to ask for more water ...

T: Water is the key for Syria, Israel, Iraq, Palestine, and soon for dozens of other countries in the world. Look at the Golan Heights, look at the Dead Sea. And corporations are still in it all! We've already talked about it, right? Do you know what Coca Cola is doing in Mexico? (it's about legalized plunder of water resources - author's note)

Me: I know.

T: Do you know what Nestle suggested? (proposal of privatization of all drinking water resources in the world - author's note)

Me: I do.

M: So you see. You have drinking water, or absolutely the most important thing that any modern conflict can start at all. You have gas and a new pipeline in the background. You have a project to depopulate Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and a few other countries. You have persecution of Christians throughout the Middle East, through India, to Southeast Asia, where the remnants of Islamic State are already being shuttled. You can not imagine what Philippines and Indonesia will be waiting for in the near future. You have Russian ports and a new trade route of China, which do not engage in anything at 100%, only make others do a job for them and count in the next dollars. You are angry at all of Israel and you have Turkey ready for everything. The monuments of humanity are destroyed there, and soon our history will be completely falsified.
As if that was not enough, it is still Iran nailed to the wall and ready to bite anyone who approaches even a step. Great changes await the Saudi regime. In addition, massed propaganda has been ruined, and the street and the Internet on Syria have been saying something completely different from all the world's major media for a few years. You will not convince the public now, even to the holy war with Iran. Well, maybe outside the Americans, because they all have the last independence and freedom of speech.

Me: And what was the purpose of the current owners of our world?

T: Get rid of competition from the region that will become a powder keg.

Me: Will it happen? Is not it anymore?

T: No. It will only start. Look at the Philippines, Indonesia and Azerbaijan, because everything will start there earlier. Then it will only be the turn of Europe.
The end of the first part
In the second part, along with my interlocutors, I deal with the broadly understood European and financial issues.

Robert Grünholz
Part 2
Me: Are you suggesting that some major conflict is also waiting for Europe in the near future?

T: It's inevitable.

M: I think so too. The rope has already been stretched, but nobody knows who pulls it the most, or when it will. It is clear that although the United States has made us dependent on their help as a sick from a drip, and not everyone in Europe really responds to this state of affairs well. The Germans, when they are allowed to do so, walk their own paths and dream about dominating the continent again.

Me: They are probably on their way to this.

M: From an economic and financial point of view, yes. But do not forget about the role of demography as well as some other players such as France, Turkey or Russia.

Me: What can France?

T: You put the question wrong. What they can not do is what they want and what they want. It's a very relative thing to be able to do, because today you can not do something, and tomorrow you can. They want to create the perfect conditions themselves! This ideal condition for France is destabilized North Africa, no less than Brexit.

Me: Brexit for the benefit of France ...

T: Just think: the eurozone will not be hurt for a while. The PIGS countries (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain - author's note) also go on a drip, but for the next few years we have a pretty good business outlook. Everyone is now wondering how this opportunity can be used to pay off the most burning debts and to shift budget positions not so evidently that the public will know what is going on, but well enough to be in a completely different environment starting position in a few years from now. The London financier sensed the coming wave, and the rats escaped from the ship before it began to sink in so much. You do not even know how much suck is there! And now the French will take over at least half of the portion intended for the islanders so far and strengthen their position by playing Russian and Chinese cards properly.

Me: Germany will probably do the same.

T: They're already doing it!

M: They are the masters of the game. Please note that for several hundred years, the British set Russians against Germans or vice versa; everything depends on the situation. During one war they were ready to change the front several times. Do you think they like the current rapprochement between Germany and Russians? After all, they would like to gain a possible conflict, bite someone and provoke the reaction of the latter, and even set them on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Unfortunately for them, it is a zone of Russian and German influence. Outside of Poland, which has now been subjected to American jurisdiction.

Me: Why?

M: For fear that Germany will get out of control of the Americans. The American military presence in the area is not only directed at Russia! In addition, they prevent the return of the Kaliningrad Triangle concept, for which there is no concern with the current ruling party [in Poland] at the helm. But back to the British ...

Me: Wait, you want to tell me that there is not enough space for them here ... so Brexit?

M: Not exactly. The English hate many things, but their lack of control is the most annoying. They were pulling all the strings for so long and now they were extorted by all their previous friends, so they signed off from the club, which was no longer elitist. If someone always gets the largest portion, and then he receives the smallest portion, he is ready to be seriously offended. London will manage without us, as it has done without the euro so far. But France is very handy, very much. In the long term, Germany will not be hurt by the lack of the sane voice within the Union; in the end, everyone, except the French, can be easily disciplined.

Me: And what about Ukraine? We talked about it only in the context of events on the Maidan and what was to happen after it, but you have not said anything about the current situation.

T: And what to say? (laughs)

M: Indeed, there is nothing to be said about. Casino closed, players sleep in hotel rooms or swing the last drinks in the bar. Only the morning hangover will bring the answer that the casino has won again. Because how else?

Me: None of the players gained anything?

M: They got something there, but not so much as to be happy about it. Russia's current situation torments and worries a bit, although in fact nothing bigger will be done there. The Germans will hug the Kiev elite more and more. The Americans, in turn, took over all the gold reserves, as for the land and raw materials, they also managed to get along, but they already know that the real game will start somewhere else, so they do not invest much time or energy in Ukraine.


Me: I am surprised by the agreement between you what awaits the global financial system is in the coming years.

T: It does not promise anything big. The river flows slowly and calmly. Everyone has the time to secure their important positions, invest in what is most important and get rid of the competition. Until the next burst of speculative bubbles will not happen so quickly, but it is so inevitable that it is worth thinking now what to do in this situation.

Me: So what would a serious and preventive state do now?

T: It would reduce social and administrative expenses to start paying off some of the debts.

M: Certainly would consider many large investments, because these can still pay off. First of all, in infrastructure, education and the army.

Me: In the army?

M: You heard it well.

Me: I'm sorry, but at the moment I just thought about Poland ...

T: You make up with the new president of the United States and want to gain a stronger position in NATO. This is understandable given that your rulers are no different from old American neocons. They think in exactly the same way and hence many large orders from defense companies. Now is the perfect time.

Me: I am not happy with the preparations for the conflict. Nor do I think that our army would have much to gain from current reforms.

T: But it does not have to. The most important thing is to create appearances! Let the sky patrol the brand new planes, while in the meantime half of the soldiers will slip in the sneakers. Let them buy new tanks and they will forget that in the event of a war they must have something to burn and that it must be provided to them somehow. Logistics has never been your strong point ... No offense.

Me: I'm not offended. I just do not understand why this satisfaction with mocked activities and increasing expenditures to prepare for something that we should want to avoid at all costs.

T: I'm not happy, just pragmatic. And you will not avoid the conflict because of your location, regardless of who will rule there. With a genius in power you will not leave the hole you fell into. Though, of course, it's not just your fault. You do not have a nastiest place in Europe, because who would like to be suspended between Russia and Germany?

M: Poland with the new prime minister will look better and better in all rankings and statistics. The state accumulates many capital. Of course, only so that in the country there would be a property at all, which can then be pledged against usurers.

Me: We left the merits again. What about this crisis?

M: And what is supposed to be? I will be. The entire system was constructed so that the crisis would appear periodically and strengthen the power of those who are already the strongest. It will hit a family farm, a small entrepreneur, a medium-sized factory, the owner of a few properties, a farmer, teacher and student, but it will not hit a bank or a corporation. In the middle of the cyclone, they will draw their hands to taxpayers' money and every country will give them these coins.

T: Someone has to go bankrupt so someone else can make money from it. What is big is not going bankrupt in the 21st century. It can only grow and earn.

Me: Can this system be changed?

M: The most powerful people make profits from it, and the poorest people have no idea about it. Therefore, no, it can not be changed. Just explain to your compatriots that they do not have the slightest effect on the amount of money in circulation or on the value of Polish Zloty. Tell them later that the state also has no influence on it, and yet, as a rule, citizens believe that they themselves have some influence over the state. But if they do not decide about it, since the Prime Minister does not decide ... (laughs)

Me: I smiled a bit, although I do not see anything funny about it.

M: It's laughter through tears. After all, if they understood it with the help of such simple words, a world revolution would immediately break out! Perhaps that is why they do not learn economics in schools, and the role of experts in economics is taken over by individuals who use pseudo-economic mumbo? They explain to people why it must be like it is now. They will explain everything to them: a bubble for which no one is responsible, the need to subsidize someone who is probably responsible, increase taxes, buy steel, shipyards or railways for one purpose, which is later selling them ..

Me: You are weak optimists.

T: Why do you need optimism? Live with reality. We lost this war the moment they started shouting: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, ou la Mort! (Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood, or Death!). We had something to say before, but then it went downhill. Note that even the terms have not changed, because they are still supposedly about freedom, equality or democracy.

Me: Liberal Democracy. They always change the real form of things with the help of adjectives. Like a home that arouses good feelings and, on the other hand, an orphanage. It's a small change, and yet ... [the Polish idiom; the closest translation: the armchair and the electrical chair]

M: At this point, they can create any system officially, and people will remain inactive anyway. They do not even need any lies. I was stuck in this system so long that my ears started to swell from them. And they chased me away only because I showed a bit of professional ethics. Just a little! (laugh)

T: Good that you do not have her anymore. Otherwise, you would not even talk to us now.
The end of the second part
The conversation was led by: Robert Grünholz

sobota, 16 maja 2015

Coloring lies...

It's my first time, be gentle ;-)
Thanks to one of my fellow Facebookers I came in contact with a nice piece of disinformation about WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OUTBREAK OF THE IIWW.

The video is dancing about subject shadowing "the blame". There is no point other than shifting the blame from Germany to Poland. I'm a Pole, but I thing neither Poland nor Germany started IIWW (!!!)
On the surface we have a very clear cut – in 1939 the German Army invades Poland without a declaration of war using as a casus belli a very flimsy false-flag operation around a Glivitz radio station.

Looking deeper we have more or less similar picture:
From 1918, when freemasons disposed of Kaizer Wilhelm II, to 1932 Germany was a liberal democracy remote controlled by the international banks (just like it is today).
In 1932 those banks stepped up their robbery and they founded a political victory of their own agent, Adolf Hitler. Hitler – it is possible that he was the authentic German patriot – started with robbing his own rich citizens from their property like mines, factories or companies followed with restructurisation of said property into the State controlled companies. In turn the shares of the same State controlled companies were sold to ... the international bankers backing Mr. Hitler and his NSDAP party. Obtained money was used to create a transport infrastructure and to buy a military hardware.
A military hardware has a short shelf life (vide the aircraft of the IWW), its buildup on the massive scale has sense only if it is to be used. From the perspective of a German's neighbor of 1930’s – Germans (Germen? :-) were going to war.
Hitler subdued France in 1936 (YES, by conventional tactics of the IWW France was too weak to fight Germany in 1936!), incorporated Austria, in Munich Conference got the Sudeterland from Czechs (  - similarities between this and German-Polish relations 1939 are hard to challenge), later to got whole Czechoslovakia. Than he set his sight on Poland. It was logical for Warsaw to expected list of increasing demands ending with subjection of the country and incorporation of its territory to the III Reich.
Poles decided to cut short on diplomatic dog-and-pony show...

If one decide to look deeper... a picture of the year 1939 bends.
In 1918-22 Poles fought the 4 uprising against Germany and won Großherzogtum Posen as well as the major industrial region of Silesia (this uprisings are an interesting subject by itself).
No German government could recognise demarkation line as the state border.
On the other hand – after the coup d'etat in 1926  – Poland was ruled by the group of the old Austrian (and German) agent marshal Josef Pilsudzki. For his whole life he and his men fought against Russia, won the major war 1918-20 against Soviet Russia and saw the terror, the dekulakization ( and The Great Hunger on Ukraine. This group of Polish politicians knew about  the danger of Germany military build-up but saw even bigger military build-up behind eastern border of Poland, in the USSR.
After the Soviet-Polish war of 1918-20 Poland started to prepare for the next Soviet invasion.

Less populated territories of the East Poland with no industry and almost no roads but with the giant Prypet Marches in the middle was an textbook defense position. The Polish General Staff organised army of 2 milion men into comparatively big infantry divisions with only basic organic transport capabilities. Infantry were to hold forts along Warsaw-Vilnus and Warsaw-Lviv railways when far from a railway suply line fighting was to be done by anti-tank-optimised cavalry brigades (horses do not need fuel). The Soviets would have to advance almost head-on one riverside line resistance after another. The plan was to bleed Soviets dry, sell one Polish destroyed division for 3 Red ones and slowly give ground. Imagine defence-in-depth on the strategical scale.*
That plan was doable, much smaller and poorer Finland did hold Red Army for months in war 1939-40. But Poland had no reserves to win against enemy with 6 times bigger population. The Polish General Staff knew this, all in the Polish government knew this, hell, all of the European politicians knew this. Poland needed suplies, ammunition, airplanes, guns and cars. Poland - just to survive - HAD TO HAVE EXTREMLY GOOD RELATIONS WITH GERMANY!
It goes deeper.
Let’s do some mindgaming. The 2 major conflicts were ready to erupt in Europe -  Germany vs. France and USSR vs. Poland and Romania (Romania delivered little more than the 1/4 of Europe crude oil consumption).
The Germany-Poland Alliance could secure both countries from one side, but transfer of troops was impossible without winning over France or USSR. If this alliance had been organised there was no chance for Polish Army to fight France Army. Also German Army would have not helped Poland against the USSR, but... Poland could give Germany food to offset drafting of men from German villages in exchange for aviation and car engines for Polish planes and cars (just like Germany and Italy did 1940-43). And Germany would have helped ROMANIA against the USSR, just to secure source of natural oil for Berlin.
There were few possible outcomes of the Polish German alliance, noone was worst than Poland becoming USSR colony, like it really happened in 1945.
Also from Germany point of view the 35 million ally with 2 million army was much more interesting than 35 million enemies Germany would need to occupy.
So what went wrong?
Hitler also asked himself that question. He offered Poland alliance, and Poles refused? Why?
Almost no discussed in Poland truth is... Polish government DID NOT reject a Hitler’s offer. The Polish government did not even know about the offer.
Poland 1918-39 was an authoritarian country, with Pilsudzki rulling as an authority over government but not as a dictator or a king. Than he died. After the death of Pilsudzki in 1935 Polish goverment hardly changed.

"Adolf Hitler during Pilsudzki's memorial service, Berlin, 1935"

General Rydz was nominated to fill Pilsudzki role as the Inspector General of Armed Forces, but lacked informal authority to supervise other branches of government.
The civil services were supervised by president Moscicki and the Foregin Affairs was a fief of minister Josef Beck.

Josef Beck, the Polish minister of Foregin Affairs turned out to be a London spy***. On orders from London he did not informed president Moscicki or marshal Rydz about any German propositions! He got orders to ignore Germany, to accept anti-Germany “British guarantees” in March of 1939, and, later to terminate with extreme prejudice more-or-less good relations with Germany.
May the 5 of 1939 Beck publicly said:
"Peace is a precious and a desirable thing. Our generation, bloodied in wars, certainly deserves peace. But peace, like almost all things of this world, has its price, a high but a measurable one. We in Poland do not know the concept of peace at any price. There is only one thing in the lives of men, nations and countries that is without price. That thing is honor."
In other words one of closest de facto allies of Germany regards German leadership as a honorlles and not respecting their own words. There is no greater accusation in diplomacy.
Beck forced Poland and Germany to the confrontation. He knew Poland was not ready for this, he was a retired military colonel and could understand raports.**

Any sources of information about Beck decision to betray his own country are very limited. Few month later Poland fell, Beck was interned in Romania where he died in 1944 and “the Polish Government in Exile” was almost exclusivly pro-British. Some data flow came from diaries of Beck’s subordinates who – marginalised in Polish exiles society - tried to understand “why?”.
But there are a lot of other evidences that it was London who set Poland to fall and it was London who lighted the fuse of the IIWW. British did not left anything unchecked carefully nursed their monser-child to the maturity:

1/ London used all its political might to stop any military hardware from reaching Poland before the 01 of September 1939. They even refused accept money from their own government loan. They also sabotaged French companies trying to deliver anything to Poland.
2/ In summer 1939 France and Great Britain started negotiate an aliance with the USSR. Asked “how exactly the USSR was to fight Germany?” answered “on Polish territory; with acceptance of Polish government of course”.
3/ The 23 of August 1939 Germany and USSR signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. British intelligence had been informed about the fact but London did not pass the news to Poles. Polish government found out that is practicly surrounded thanks to the German orginated leak.
4/ In August 1939 London banks refused Germany any loans stating that Germany defaulted on its payments and should go bankrupt. In this very moment Adolf Hitler could choose to betray everything he worked for his whole life or go to war, because a nation at war pays no debts.
5/ In the 25 of August 1939 London signed Agreement of Mutual Assistance between the United Kingdom and Poland. But then on 29 of September Brits demanded cancelation of Polish general mobilisation on the basis of “needles tension rising”.
Also See:

Best regards,
Małytrol Imieniem Wasyl
*** Optimalisation of Polish military forces to the requirements of the defensiwe plan "East" ment that Polish forces on the doctrinal, strategic, operational, tactical, supply, training and equipment levels were suboptimal to fight any other than Soviet Army.
Josef Beck knew this all.
***I'm not sure if Beck was a spy from MI5 or for the City of London.