sobota, 16 maja 2015

Coloring lies...

It's my first time, be gentle ;-)
Thanks to one of my fellow Facebookers I came in contact with a nice piece of disinformation about WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OUTBREAK OF THE IIWW.

The video is dancing about subject shadowing "the blame". There is no point other than shifting the blame from Germany to Poland. I'm a Pole, but I thing neither Poland nor Germany started IIWW (!!!)
On the surface we have a very clear cut – in 1939 the German Army invades Poland without a declaration of war using as a casus belli a very flimsy false-flag operation around a Glivitz radio station.

Looking deeper we have more or less similar picture:
From 1918, when freemasons disposed of Kaizer Wilhelm II, to 1932 Germany was a liberal democracy remote controlled by the international banks (just like it is today).
In 1932 those banks stepped up their robbery and they founded a political victory of their own agent, Adolf Hitler. Hitler – it is possible that he was the authentic German patriot – started with robbing his own rich citizens from their property like mines, factories or companies followed with restructurisation of said property into the State controlled companies. In turn the shares of the same State controlled companies were sold to ... the international bankers backing Mr. Hitler and his NSDAP party. Obtained money was used to create a transport infrastructure and to buy a military hardware.
A military hardware has a short shelf life (vide the aircraft of the IWW), its buildup on the massive scale has sense only if it is to be used. From the perspective of a German's neighbor of 1930’s – Germans (Germen? :-) were going to war.
Hitler subdued France in 1936 (YES, by conventional tactics of the IWW France was too weak to fight Germany in 1936!), incorporated Austria, in Munich Conference got the Sudeterland from Czechs (  - similarities between this and German-Polish relations 1939 are hard to challenge), later to got whole Czechoslovakia. Than he set his sight on Poland. It was logical for Warsaw to expected list of increasing demands ending with subjection of the country and incorporation of its territory to the III Reich.
Poles decided to cut short on diplomatic dog-and-pony show...

If one decide to look deeper... a picture of the year 1939 bends.
In 1918-22 Poles fought the 4 uprising against Germany and won Großherzogtum Posen as well as the major industrial region of Silesia (this uprisings are an interesting subject by itself).
No German government could recognise demarkation line as the state border.
On the other hand – after the coup d'etat in 1926  – Poland was ruled by the group of the old Austrian (and German) agent marshal Josef Pilsudzki. For his whole life he and his men fought against Russia, won the major war 1918-20 against Soviet Russia and saw the terror, the dekulakization ( and The Great Hunger on Ukraine. This group of Polish politicians knew about  the danger of Germany military build-up but saw even bigger military build-up behind eastern border of Poland, in the USSR.
After the Soviet-Polish war of 1918-20 Poland started to prepare for the next Soviet invasion.

Less populated territories of the East Poland with no industry and almost no roads but with the giant Prypet Marches in the middle was an textbook defense position. The Polish General Staff organised army of 2 milion men into comparatively big infantry divisions with only basic organic transport capabilities. Infantry were to hold forts along Warsaw-Vilnus and Warsaw-Lviv railways when far from a railway suply line fighting was to be done by anti-tank-optimised cavalry brigades (horses do not need fuel). The Soviets would have to advance almost head-on one riverside line resistance after another. The plan was to bleed Soviets dry, sell one Polish destroyed division for 3 Red ones and slowly give ground. Imagine defence-in-depth on the strategical scale.*
That plan was doable, much smaller and poorer Finland did hold Red Army for months in war 1939-40. But Poland had no reserves to win against enemy with 6 times bigger population. The Polish General Staff knew this, all in the Polish government knew this, hell, all of the European politicians knew this. Poland needed suplies, ammunition, airplanes, guns and cars. Poland - just to survive - HAD TO HAVE EXTREMLY GOOD RELATIONS WITH GERMANY!
It goes deeper.
Let’s do some mindgaming. The 2 major conflicts were ready to erupt in Europe -  Germany vs. France and USSR vs. Poland and Romania (Romania delivered little more than the 1/4 of Europe crude oil consumption).
The Germany-Poland Alliance could secure both countries from one side, but transfer of troops was impossible without winning over France or USSR. If this alliance had been organised there was no chance for Polish Army to fight France Army. Also German Army would have not helped Poland against the USSR, but... Poland could give Germany food to offset drafting of men from German villages in exchange for aviation and car engines for Polish planes and cars (just like Germany and Italy did 1940-43). And Germany would have helped ROMANIA against the USSR, just to secure source of natural oil for Berlin.
There were few possible outcomes of the Polish German alliance, noone was worst than Poland becoming USSR colony, like it really happened in 1945.
Also from Germany point of view the 35 million ally with 2 million army was much more interesting than 35 million enemies Germany would need to occupy.
So what went wrong?
Hitler also asked himself that question. He offered Poland alliance, and Poles refused? Why?
Almost no discussed in Poland truth is... Polish government DID NOT reject a Hitler’s offer. The Polish government did not even know about the offer.
Poland 1918-39 was an authoritarian country, with Pilsudzki rulling as an authority over government but not as a dictator or a king. Than he died. After the death of Pilsudzki in 1935 Polish goverment hardly changed.

"Adolf Hitler during Pilsudzki's memorial service, Berlin, 1935"

General Rydz was nominated to fill Pilsudzki role as the Inspector General of Armed Forces, but lacked informal authority to supervise other branches of government.
The civil services were supervised by president Moscicki and the Foregin Affairs was a fief of minister Josef Beck.

Josef Beck, the Polish minister of Foregin Affairs turned out to be a London spy***. On orders from London he did not informed president Moscicki or marshal Rydz about any German propositions! He got orders to ignore Germany, to accept anti-Germany “British guarantees” in March of 1939, and, later to terminate with extreme prejudice more-or-less good relations with Germany.
May the 5 of 1939 Beck publicly said:
"Peace is a precious and a desirable thing. Our generation, bloodied in wars, certainly deserves peace. But peace, like almost all things of this world, has its price, a high but a measurable one. We in Poland do not know the concept of peace at any price. There is only one thing in the lives of men, nations and countries that is without price. That thing is honor."
In other words one of closest de facto allies of Germany regards German leadership as a honorlles and not respecting their own words. There is no greater accusation in diplomacy.
Beck forced Poland and Germany to the confrontation. He knew Poland was not ready for this, he was a retired military colonel and could understand raports.**

Any sources of information about Beck decision to betray his own country are very limited. Few month later Poland fell, Beck was interned in Romania where he died in 1944 and “the Polish Government in Exile” was almost exclusivly pro-British. Some data flow came from diaries of Beck’s subordinates who – marginalised in Polish exiles society - tried to understand “why?”.
But there are a lot of other evidences that it was London who set Poland to fall and it was London who lighted the fuse of the IIWW. British did not left anything unchecked carefully nursed their monser-child to the maturity:

1/ London used all its political might to stop any military hardware from reaching Poland before the 01 of September 1939. They even refused accept money from their own government loan. They also sabotaged French companies trying to deliver anything to Poland.
2/ In summer 1939 France and Great Britain started negotiate an aliance with the USSR. Asked “how exactly the USSR was to fight Germany?” answered “on Polish territory; with acceptance of Polish government of course”.
3/ The 23 of August 1939 Germany and USSR signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. British intelligence had been informed about the fact but London did not pass the news to Poles. Polish government found out that is practicly surrounded thanks to the German orginated leak.
4/ In August 1939 London banks refused Germany any loans stating that Germany defaulted on its payments and should go bankrupt. In this very moment Adolf Hitler could choose to betray everything he worked for his whole life or go to war, because a nation at war pays no debts.
5/ In the 25 of August 1939 London signed Agreement of Mutual Assistance between the United Kingdom and Poland. But then on 29 of September Brits demanded cancelation of Polish general mobilisation on the basis of “needles tension rising”.
Also See:

Best regards,
Małytrol Imieniem Wasyl
*** Optimalisation of Polish military forces to the requirements of the defensiwe plan "East" ment that Polish forces on the doctrinal, strategic, operational, tactical, supply, training and equipment levels were suboptimal to fight any other than Soviet Army.
Josef Beck knew this all.
***I'm not sure if Beck was a spy from MI5 or for the City of London.